Start Date : 24th December 2016
Anticipated duration : 6 months
Estimated Cost : MYR 175,000.00 (+/-)
Purpose: To create a comfort for all devotees from entrance of the Cave Gua Charas all the way to Sleeping Buddha, while preserving the naturally formed cave.
This includes upgrading existing staircase from entrance of the Cave towards Lord Jalalingam, all the way to Sleeping Buddha. See Photo 3 for existing stairs.
Photo 1: Interlocking Blocks (Completed at Entrance Toilet Facility)
Photo 2: Interlocking Blocks (Completed at Entrance Toilet Facility)
Photo 3: Upgrading existing stairs. Please note the current photo was taken during Karthigai Deepam celebration. Current steps towards temple is un-even and the plan is re-done these steps coupled with interlocking stones.
Photo 4: Interlocking Blocks (Completed at Entrance Toilet Facility)